About Wendy

Other Reviews

"Your piece seems quite accomplished and varied and yet unified by a single vision."
           Harry Rand, Curator, 20th Century Art, National Museum of American Art

"'After Her Own Image: Woman's Work 1985 1 is the first national juried competition originating in North Carolina and dedicated to the female artists. It is possibly the largest such competition held in the United States ... Some of the works overtly refer to 'female ' subjects - Wendy Kaye's abstract homage to pregnancy, for instance ... Perhaps, as artist Wendy Kaye suggested at the show's opening, art exemplifies psychologist Carl Jung's Yang-and-Yin related premise that the cosmos is contained of equal but opposite pairs of masculine and female components, each containig characteristics of the other."

"She has impressed me deeply and I see her as a person passionately devoted to painting and what is equally important devoted to discovering her own original path
through her own feelings."
           Jack Tworkov, Painter, Professor, Yale Univeristy

"Wendy Kaye is perhaps the most 'au courant l Expressionist in the New Wave Group. There is something of the Berliner in the velocity with which she applies paint. In her earlier painting of a head, there is something of Fetting and his predecessor Nolde; in the latter figure fragments there is something of Kirkeby in the now-you- see-it, now-you-don't ambiguity."
           Washington Project for the Arts Catalogue

"The River Road Show, sponsored annually by the Louisiana Art and Artist Guild, this year truely lives up to its claim as a national exhibit, it is one of the best to be  assembled in the history of the event ... Among the paintings I like the dramatic profile 'Head ' by Wendy Kaye of Washington, D.C."
           The Sunday Advocate

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